Do you feel unable to make the changes you would like to because you seem limited by the choices available to you?

Do you think you have no alternative and find yourself feeling stuck destined to stay where you are?

This came up for a client this week, and spirit taught us that thinking you have no choice is a choice. It is a thought pattern that you are choosing to have that is inhibiting you from finding alternative solutions, options, or paths.

There may be times when we know what we want to do, but it requires us to make big life changes, and this is where fear of change may kick in which slides us into a limiting belief pattern of having no choice, so we remain where we are. Other circumstances may require a lot of hard work and maybe we allow self-doubt or fear of failure to set in which, again, kicks in the gear of no choice.

If our choices require big change that requires hard work, we put ourselves in a limiting thought pattern of having no choice because of our soul issues. Self-doubt, fear of change, fear of failure and fear of success even can get in the way for some.

We need to look deeper to learn what you are avoiding that you've chosen to have no choice instead? Healing on a soul level breaks you free from these self-imposed often subconscious barriers.

We always have a choice, and it begins with how we decide to think about things and healing our issues that are blocking us from living our truth.

Is no choice just an excuse to avoid the soul work required to get you out of the rut you are in?

If you would like ongoing support, guidance, and healing to help you with these issues and more, please contact me today.


