This week a client session proved to be quite interesting when we deep dived into an issue she’s had for forever.  This client struggles with feeling and being judged by others and caring about what others think. At first glance I thought these were basically the same issues worded differently but, when I tuned into the energy I was shown how different they are.

It's all about intention - intention determines energy.

Let’s look at judgement first. She always feels judged by her family. The case we dealt with in this session was an attack by a family member. The intention behind the judgement determines whether it is an attack or someone being discerning. When I began my spiritual journey I struggled with the new age teachings demanding I don’t make judgments, inferring I’m not spiritual if I do. I struggled with this. I value boundaries and to have healthy boundaries you need to be selective, to make judgements. Maybe it was an issue with the teachings I was looking at in particular. However, they just didn’t delve deep enough into this stuff. They were very superficial and surface level. It is important to evaluate people and situations to determine what is best for us so we can create healthy boundaries and habits. That is not to say we judge other people for who they are, live and let live, judge only if it/they is right for you.

My client was dealing with a judgement attack. It was someone judging her to compare themselves to her. Insecurity on their part. For them to decide that they were doing better than her in life made them feel better about themselves. How sad. It is easier to let go of fear of judgement from others when you recognise they do it only to make themselves feel good about themselves.

The session also dealt with my client's issue with caring about what others think of her. This is an issue with her own self-esteem and self-worth. People rarely worry about us as much as we imagine they do. We waste so much energy worrying about this. If we only knew most people are focused on their own life, themselves and their own struggles they often don’t give us another thought. Caring about what others think of us blocks our authenticity. We tend to make choices around what others think rather than what we really want in life. We sensor ourselves, we hold back and don't speak up, we don’t allow ourselves to feel, think and be true to who we are.

This blocks our true path.

For example, if you maintain unhealthy friendships out of fear of what they will do or say, that is caring about what others will think of you. You are not only living inauthentically you are sending a message to the universe that this is what you want in your life. So the universe sends you more toxic people and situations. You end up living an unhealthy life with toxic people and living in a way that is not your truth. You will never find your purpose this way. You won’t find your tribe this way. Your life will lack purpose, meaning, and truth.

No matter how you slice it, caring about what others think of you, worrying about being judged for being yourself and not being true to yourself is a gateway to a toxic life.

Take a moment to check in with yourself.

  • How honest are you with yourself and others?

  • Do you remain in toxic relationships/friendships/situations when you really want them to end?

  • Are you afraid of speaking your truth?

  • Do you sensor yourself around others?

  • Is it common for you to walk on eggshells around others/someone?

  • Do you fear the judgement of others?

If you tick any of the above and you would like assistance with digging in deeper into these issues to find and heal the root cause so you can live free of fear, contact me today.

Whether you want to learn more about my New Wave Spiritual Healing sessions or are concerned you have been spiritually attacked, please do not hesitate to contact me.
