One of my favourite parts of the work I do is working with the energies of past lives. I’m always fascinated by not only the past life information that I receive, but also how that energy is presenting for my client now.

Unresolved past life issues echo in our soul lifetime, after lifetime until we heal what is unresolved. The energy remains alive within to serve as a reminder of what we have yet to face. Past life traumas can express as modern day fears, anxieties, and depression (to name a few).

The soul holds the memory, when the issue has been triggered, or it is simply time for the issue to surface this energy moves through your energy fields. Here we have an opportunity to heal the energy before the problem presents as a physical issue. You may notice a shift in how you feel, your emotions, dreams, even your thoughts may be letting you know that healing is required. If this opportunity is missed, the physical body expresses unhealed, and unresolved issues so that we may heal them. I’m not referring to masking problems with medications, I’m talking about healing the cause of these issues energetically, and spiritually. Not all physical, emotional, and mental issues are what they seem.

There is always more to the story.

Recently I worked with a client who was experiencing extreme anxiety. It was so intense that she couldn’t eat, move, or function at all. It was paralysing. The origin story connected to this issue went back 1000 years to a time when she got herself involved in a situation she shouldn’t have. It ended horrifically. The trauma from this experience had been activated within her soul and she was feeling every bit of her past life terror.

The echo of what was became her current reality.

Four sessions later and all the unresolved issues, and energy is cleared, and she is back to her functioning, calm, happy self with no signs of anxiety at all.

You don’t have to suffer, there is always more to the story. If you would like ongoing support, guidance, or healing please reach out.


