I found journaling when I started my healing journey many years ago. It began with me composing lists of things I wanted to bring to my healing sessions, but it turned into more than just a list for my mentor. It developed into a sacred ritual of self-care, and I learned to become incredibly self- aware through the process. Not only that, as I progressed on my path my circle became non existent, and I had no one to confide in, I found comfort confiding in myself (and Goddess) through my journal. It was better than talking to someone else because there was no one on the other side with their personal bias making it all about them, or pity me, judging or criticising me, or using it all against me.

Journaling BEcame a tool that GAVE ME STRENGTH, and helped me grow. It is more than a therapy session, more than a friend; it ALLOWS YOU TO PROCESS EMOTION AND heal.

Thanks to my own experience with journaling, I’ve always encouraged my clients to journal by offering a full moon journal question, and through my work with my Women's Healing Circles I have created my own guided 30 Day Journals for each Circle I facilitate. The feed back on these journals has been incredible and highly motivating, so much so that I am now in the process of creating more. If you want be advised when my journals are available for download or receive a Full Moon journal question each month, sign up for my newsletter HERE.

Journaling comes from the heart and is a way to connect to your deepest feelings, emotions, and your spirit, bypassing the conscious mind, it gets to the core of what troubles you. To get the most out of your journaling, let go and just write, don’t think first. Just write and remember to read back what you’ve written for insight or further reflection.

Journaling is quite magical

  • it brings clarity

  • increases self-awareness through investigating your feelings and thoughts, teaching you about your triggers

  • takes a load off and releases stress and anxiety

  • changes and boosts your mood and enhances your sense of wellbeing

  • shifts your perspective

  • can help post trauma as you process through your writing

  • provides an opportunity for mindfulness

  • you sleep better when you have eased a racing or worried mind

  • daily self-care ritual

  • reduces depression

Still can't find time and space for yourself to JOURNAL?

What is it you prefer not to know about yourself?

What is it you are avoiding or denying?

What are you afraid of?

Bring these fears to session, so you can add journaling to your healing journey, and daily practice.

If you would like ongoing support, guidance, and healing, please contact me.

Happy Journaling ... ✨


